Hi there! I'm Caleb Horn. I come from a military family and moved around a lot, but I was born in Anchorage, Alaska. In 2018, I moved to Water Valley, MS, where I graduated Base Camp Coding Academy, a year-long program training high school graduates to become software developers. I am passionate about coding in general but I love being able to express my creativity in front end development! |
Python | SQL |
Git | HTML |
CSS | JavaScript |
Java | Spring |
Bootstrap | Django |
Star Explorer |
A text based exploration game with over 50 locations (Python) |
LearnMore |
An AI assisting learning tool that creates markdown study sheets (Group), (Java) |
Elixer |
A family friendly messaging system that has a filter option and login system (Group), (Django) |
Star-Explorer Revamped |
Star Explorer but on React (Javascript React) |
Charlie's |
A website for a fictional restaurant that takes place in the Star Explorer universe, Charlie's was my second project within the Star Explorer Universe. (Django) |
Star Charts |
A CRUD app with a registration and login system about documenting fictional planets and stars. It's my third project within the Star Explorer Universe (Django) |